Gay Writings

I wrote many articles for The Stanford Daily about being gay. I include a collection below of some of the better articles. They appear in chronological order and span approximately six years from 1985 to 1990. You can find all of my articles on The Stanford Daily Archive website.

My high school memories article led to a reporter interviewing me for a major front-page story that the Washington Post published about gay teenage suicide in 1988. They titled the article, " Gay Youth's Deadly Despair."

My tenure at Stanford corresponded almost exactly with the years that Donald Kennedy served as the university's president. I wrote him a series of letters over the years about gay topics that I include below.

Some might find it interesting to read my advice to a young gay person. This is the version I last updated in 2000 and that I had available from my university web page at the University of Arizona. Obviously the links are out of date.

Some people might be interested in comments I made defending a Syracuse fraternity that made t-shirts that read "CLUB FAGGOTS NOT SEALS." I participated in a discussion on a Usenet newsgroup focusing on gay issues known as soc.motss (members of the same sex) that can be found here.

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last updated 01/12/2022