Email sent to diversity-allies, 9/6/2020

I sent the following email to the diversity-allies mailing list in CSE:

  From Sun Sep  6 13:36:29 2020
  Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2020 13:36:29 -0700 (PDT)
  From: Stuart Reges <>
  Subject: president bans critical race theory training

  President Trump is taking steps to eliminate any training for federal employees 
  that involves Critical Race Theory and the concept of white privilege:

  They say that more detailed guidance will be issued shortly.

  It seems likely that this move is in response to a campaign being waged by 
  Casey Peterson, a Sandia Labs employee who has been railing against the 
  diversity training he was required to participate in.  He describes it in great 
  detail in this video:


The rejection note indicated that, "Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator." It seems odd that they would censor a major article from The Washington Post about a significant development related to diversity training. It wasn't entirely clear whether this applied to the University of Washington but many people felt it likely did because UW is a federal contractor.

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